With over 30 years of project management, public policy, institutional development and investigative experience including efforts in emerging democracies, post-conflict and transitional environments, I offer a wide range of services. In addition to operational activities, I have experience directly supervising and managing operational and administrative support programs, including: budget and finance; personnel; information systems; contracting and procurement; planning and evaluation, and public affairs. Examples of services provided include:.
Proposal Writing: In the last four years, I have assisted USAID Rule of Law IQC and INL Justice Sector Support Program contract holders to draft winning proposals for a variety of rule of law and justice reform projects in new democracies and post conflict states. Technical Assistance: I offer a wide range of police development and rule of law technical assistance expertise. Some examples of recent technical assistance efforts include: technical assistance to USAID-funded Court Administration project in Kosovo in the areas of court security, chain of custody/evidence handling and accountability and enforcement of judgments; direct technical assistance in the support of the US Embassy in Lima, Peru in developing a strategy for support of police reform; design and implementation of information system technology for the Croatian courts. Networking and Business Development: As a senior manager with the Department of Justice, responsible for international programs, maintained close working relationships with US funding agencies, such as USAID and the Department of State, the United Nations, international development agencies such as the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, Canada’s CIDA program and others. Project
Management: Extensive experience managing
headquarters staffs, overseas offices and large scale projects. International projects include
programs to establish rule of law and promote public security. This experience includes
management of sustainable development programs in over 20 countries,
including efforts in Publications: Publications include papers on “lessons learned” in post-conflict interventions and I recently provided input into a soon to be released USAID post-conflict manual for Democracy and Governance office. Drug Control and Scheduling: As Special Assistant to the Deputy Assistant Administrator of DEA’s Office of Diversion Control, I was part of the senior management team responsible for managing Federal government programs concerning the investigation of diversion of legally produced drugs into the illicit market, assuring drug industry compliance with narcotic and dangerous drug manufacturing; security and recordkeeping, legislative and regulatory requirements; US compliance with international drug treaties; drug scheduling, and the drafting of narcotics related policies, legislation and regulations. In addition to acting as DEA’s senior treaty negotiator for the 1988 Vienna Convention on Trafficking, I was a representative to the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs. Photos: From top to
bottom: Mogadishu, Somalia by air (1993), new Civilian Police
deployed in EL Salvador (1994), downtown Port-au-Prince, Haiti (1995), a
deserted, post-war downtown Vukovar, Eastern Slavonia (1996),
Pristina, Kosovo (2002). All photos by Joe
Trincellito. |
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