Trincellito,law enforcement,Afghanistan police,post-conflict lessons learned,police training,civilian military cooperation
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          RULE OF LAW               POLICE DEVELOPMENT               PUBLIC SECURITY               POST CONFLICT               FRAGILE/FAILING STATES 

About Me


Joe Trincellito provides international and domestic consulting services and technical assistance in the areas of rule of law, police development and public security, specializing in fragile states and post-conflict environments. 

I have over three decades of investigative, project management, public policy and institutional development experience in rule of law, criminal justice, and post-conflict public security programs, including emerging democracies, post-conflict and transitional environments.  Specific expertise in:  strategic planning, investigative policies and procedures; design, planning, management and evaluation of international development and assistance programs in post-conflict and emerging democracy situations; technical assistance in drafting enabling legislation and implementing policies and procedures; integration of police and prosecutorial
development; design and development of criminal investigative and professional responsibility functions; police organization and management; academy development and training; court and judicial security; evidence handling and chain of custody.   Experience working with the US Departments of State and Justice, the United Nations, USAID, international donors, and numerous host governments on international development projects.   Post-conflict/failed state experience includes Panama (creation of civilian police), Somalia (Strategic Plan for the reestablishment of the Somali National Police), E. Slavonia (integration of Serb/Croat police), Haiti (management of both Haitian National Police and prosecutor development programs), Kosovo (harmonization of judicial, prosecutor and police investigative procedures) and Afghanistan (implementation plan for Justice Sector mentoring).

Download a pdf file with a sampling of  Trincellito Commendations.  .A more complete listing of awards and commendations can be found in the Resume page.


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Photos: upper right - on the Panama Canal (1995), lower left - receiving award at INTERPOL-USNCB (1993), lower right - meeting with ICPO-INTERPOL Secretary General Ray Kendall (1990)

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