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The following links to post-conflict and police development related sites may prove helpful in obtaining additional information about development efforts, particularly police development in fragile states or post-conflict environments, as well as the civilian /military cooperation aspects of complex contingency operations.

Trinity College – Building the Haitian National Police:  A Retrospective and Prospective View:  An article by Jan Stromsem and Joe Trincellito outlining the development of the Haitian National Police from 1994 through 2000, comparing it to lessons learned from previous interventions and offering recommendations on future development activity (April 2003).  An abstract is also available on National Criminal Justice Research Service - NCJ Number:  200869.


National Defense University - Policing the New World Disorder: Peace Operation and Public Security:  This 1997 publication provides detailed lessons learned in public security develop from Panama through Bosnia.  It provides for a comparative analyses of operations involving international assistance to public security institutions and includes both civilian and military coordination aspects of each operation.  The final chapter offers some specific recommendations for consideration by the United Nations, the United States, and other governments in improving the conduct of multilateral operations to assist police forces, courts, and prison systems in troubled states.

Rand Paper - Civilians and Soldiers: Achieving Better Coordination: This publication provides insights into military and civilian coordination in complex contingency operations and looks at ways to improve the interagency process.

UNITED NATIONS - UNDPKO Peacekeeping Best Practices:  This UNDPKO site includes copies a a wide variety of lessons learned documents and "after action" reports by UN teams.   Many of these are related to post-conflict interventions and police development and police reform issues.

Convention Against the Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1988 -  This is the full English text in a pdf file. 




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